Apple TV presents a video performance of Come from Away, the uplifting Broadway musical based on the story of the small town of Gander, Newfoundland. On September 11, 2001, thirty eight airliners diverted to the once bustling but now rarely used Gander airport. The planes and their 7000 accumulated passengers sat in limbo, until word arrived they would stay until further notice. The town turned out to house, feed and entertain the passengers. This musical combines exhilarating and poignant song with human stories: a couple meet and fall in love, a mother fears for her firefighter son's life, a man dreams of a pay it forward charity. As with Hamilton and other videos of Broadway musicals, the production directs the eye and gives the viewer a more focused view than that in person. Come From Away deserves its place among the reminders of the events of 9/11 and how our world changed since for better and worse.