Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Highwaymen - 3 Stars

"The Highwaymen" spotlights the other side of the romanticized 1967 classic "Bonnie and Clyde." Director John Lee Hancock focuses on the two Texas Rangers who tracked down the couple. Kevin Costner plays heroic Ranger Frank Hamer, and Woody Harrelson his long time friend Maney Gault. Their casting elevates this project, originally written for Paul Newman & Robert Redford. Costner & Harrelson are funny, grumpy and get no respect from the modern FBI and state lawmen on Bonnie and Clyde's trail. "The Highwaymen" only gives us glimpses of Bonnie and Clyde, turning them into ghost-like spirits, capable of terrible acts. "The Highwaymen" is the kind of mid-level movie, Hollywood once loved, but now rarely makes. Netflix provides a great service in streaming and funding these kind of projects. Just be sure to watch on the biggest home screen you can find. "The Highwaymen," 3 stars, rated "R." Does it deliver what it promises? Delightful old school, Western buddy movie. Is it entertaining? A little slow and a little long. Is it worth the price of admission? Watch on Netflix.