Thursday, June 14, 2012
Rock of Ages Review - 1 Star
Filmmakers hoped to catch a little of the magic of the well regarded Broadway show in this theater to screen transformation. Alec Baldwin plays the owner of a down at the heels rock club who hopes to keep his place afloat after a one night appearance by rock star Tom Cruise. However, Cruise isn’t very reliable, in fact, comes close to downright crazy. The cast performs under a series of bad wigs. They include Paul Giamatti as a sleazy agent, Julianne Hough as a kid from the sticks who hopes to make it big, and Russell Brand as Baldwin’s right hand man. The show relies on your affection for the music of the 80’s and some of it sounds good. But the filmmakers forget about pace and energy. In other words, this thing runs way too long. So after a while the musical numbers and even the music looks and sounds alike. Toward the end, I couldn’t wait to get out of the theater. What should have been a pleasure to watch turned into a chore. Does it deliver what it promises? Movie of Broadway musical. Is it entertaining? Runs long and gets boring. Is it worth the price of admission? A rock flop.