Friday, March 16, 2012

Casa de Mi Padre Review - 2.5 Stars

Will Ferrell gets big laughs in “Casa de Mi Padre” borrowing a page, I think, from Quentin Tarantino’s “Grindhouse”.  That is, he pokes fun at a genre–in this case—the Mexican telenovelas.  Ferrell plays the ‘other” son of a successful rancher.  He’s a good kid with a heart of gold but he’s a dope.  The great Mexican actor Diego Luna plays the favored son, in truth a bad seed in league with a cartel of drug dealers.  They play this out for laughs in Spanish—complete with bad sets, jump cuts, fake horses and out of focus film.  I think “Casa de Mi Padre” might have made a great “Saturday Night Live” sketch, but even stretched out to movie length it’s great fun to watch.  Just remember, this is a one joke deal, so go with the flow and have fun.  Does it deliver what it promises?  Laughs.  Is it entertaining?  Cheap comedy.  Is it worth the price of admission?  For fun.